Full page illustration for GZ

Recently the Swiss National Bank lifted the minimum price of the Swiss Franc to the Euro. This surprising decision has major consequences - especially for the exporting industries such as watch producers. Here's the final illustration and the sketches I did for the business magazine GZ.

Poster for Dutch Ministry of Finance


I was asked to contribute to an exhibition at the Dutch Ministry of Finance in which common business phrases were visualized. I got "Het stokje overnemen" (engl. "Taking over the stick" but also meaning "Being in charge").

READ Magazine Cover Illustration

The new edition of READ Magazine is out now and available in the streets of Hamburg and Berlin. I got the opportunity to illustrate the cover and was blessed with complete creative freedom. 

Homecoming Jihadist for Trouw

For the Charlie Hebdo special edition of today's Trouw newspaper, I was asked to illustrate my personal opinion about 'How to deal with jihad fighters returning to their homecountries'.

I prefer the Danish way - monitoring but offering perspectives, instead of locking them away.

Less than 4 hours from briefing to deadline. #ChallangeAccepted

WirtschaftsWoche - Altersvorsorge

When our generation stops working, your pension will most likely be just a fraction of what your grandpa gets today. As a cover story, this weeks WirtschaftsWoche offers a 10-point-plan to a higher retirement pay. And I got to illustrate them!

Ivo Opstelten for Trouw

For Trouw I illustrated Ivo Opstelten, the Dutch Minister of Security and Justice. His way to make the Netherlands a safer place might be uncompromising and stubborn - but in the end he gets what he wants. And, you might have guessed it, he's a talker.

Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert for Trouw

Okay, what do you do? You have this idea, the deadline is in 3 hours and you find out that Photoshop won't allow you to edit any banknotes?

You gotta draw your own money.

As happened when Trouw asked me to portrait the Dutch Minister of Defense, Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert. 

The story behind it:

Despite a small budget, Dutch troops help out in many international missions. Unfortunately all conflicts involve a weak opponent. What happens if the Dutch low-budget army has to stand against awell trained, professionally equipped troops? 

Some criticize Hennis-Plasschaert for not fighting for a higher budget. As long as there is no major conflict erupting, she's done everything right.

Eric Wiebes for Trouw

May I introduce, Dutch State Secretary of Finance Eric Wiebes. A humorous and intelligent character. So I drew him in the style of Rodin's famous sculpture 'The Thinker'.

Sander Dekker for Trouw

This is an illustration I actually am quite proud of. It was a tough deadline so I had to pull an all-nighter again. At some point around 5, I was completely exhausted and close to a nervous breakdown because even after 20+ drawings I could het this face right. Looked so easy but it was hard to read. 

Kept on and two hours later and a liter of CocaCola I handed this in and it turned out to be one of my favorite pieces so far.

By the way, this funny dude is Sander Dekker, the Dutch State Secretary for the Ministry of Education. For Dutch newspaper Trouw.

Ronald Plasterk for Trouw

I got to portrait Ronald Plasterk, Dutch Minister of the Interior for Trouw

Most of his work is invisible, dull or secret. With boring topics you don't make news. Unless something goes wrong. Still, from his ToDo list only one task is completed. The second half of the legislative period will be his real test.

Old guy during lunch

I am trying to sketch more so that the hand and eyes won't get rusty. Here's a quick one of an and older man walking by during lunchtime. Finally someone that moved slowly enough to capture. :)

Wilma Mansveld for Trouw

This is my portrait of Wilma Mansveld, Dutch State Secretary for the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment.

Her portfolio: public transportation, aviation, environment and climate. Not an easy task. But she is a hard worker, always prepared and manages to perform under bad conditions.

Sharon Dijksma for Trouw

For the Dutch newspaper Trouw I illustrated a portrait of Sharon Dijksma, Dutch State Secretary for the Ministry of Economic Affairs.

She does quite a good job in handling the polarizing departments nature and agriculture. So I thought of showing her, balancing out these two worlds.

Here's a Link to a radio interview with her where my illustration is talked about (in Dutch). So fun to hear the person you caricatured talk about your work. 

Angela Duck for Trouw

For the Dutch newspaper Trouw I got to illustrate an article about Angela Merkel, who is not willing to invest, though the German economy is in quite a good shape. So I got this idea of turning her into an Uncle Scrooge like character. Add her haircut, her sleepy eyes and a pose and BAM! it's her!

My Schröder portrait in Abu Dhabi

Happy to see that my original Gerhard Schröder painting was signed by the Bundeskanzler himself and enjoys quite a nice view over the Abu Dhabi skyline!

Photo: © Julia Faber

Surfin' Rutte for Trouw

I illustrated a surfing Mark Rutte (Dutch prime minister) for the Dutch newspaper Trouw. First time that I took the freedom to change a newspaper's layout so it supports the story.

Now that I received the print, I am positively surprised that it made the cover as well!

The story is basically about Rutte's pretty relaxed optimistic vision and his ability to adapt. His quote: "To govern is like surfing society's waves."

WirtschaftsWoche - Change Management

Digitalization is the major force of change for businesses. How do you prepare and with what kind of manpower?

WirtschaftsWoche has the answers and I got to illustrate them!


I illustrated for Hinz&Kunzt, Germany's largest street magazine (supports the homeless and socially disadvantaged). 

In Germany, more than 50 Million male chicks are gassed and shredded each year because they have no value to the laying hen industry. 

It was important to me not only to demonize the cooperations but also show the reason for these cruel habits - our demand for low priced food. 

Thanks to the Art Direction @ Grafikdeerns and the people @ Hinz&Kunzt.

The final result and sketches: